To you
Hi! Thank you for deciding to read this
In some shape or form, perhaps we’ve interacted in each other’s lives, so I want to thank you for being part of my journey. This letter is my way of wrapping up 2024 and sending letter to you — hope you enjoy it 💌
At the end of 2023, my focus was just grind all day. I was full of passion for going down the rabbit hole of cryptography and engineering. From January to almost this summer, my daily routine and hobby literally just work and learning. I participated in some great opportunities to learn cryptography (at the start of this year, I had no confidence in it). At work, I pushed forward with responsibility. In spare time, learned further technical fundamentals and pushed side projects out of curiosity. Generally, I don’t regret my Q1 and Q2 hard work, because I was so determined to understand and be capable of doing great work (in engineering atm) and it was soo fun!
But by the end, I was bit burnt out.
In Q3 and Q4, I began to think a lot more (as you can see by the increasing number of life tagged blog posts). A lot of changes, events happened. Frankly, I suffered. So just like the metaphor of running I used in this post, I slowed down and thought about my direction.
I believe that, because of this suffering, I’ve learned most valuable lessons of my life, and they make me excited about the start of this new year. For me, 2025 will be about grateful and love. That’s why I’m also writing this as a letter.
I’m happy we got to interact in whenever, whatever shape.
Sometimes I was intellectually stimulated by you, other times I was inspired by your story. Sometimes I learned from you; how you think, how you act, how you react to others. Sometimes I purely enjoyed moments with you. Sometimes your presence gave me fulfillment and relief, even when events in my life felt devastating. Sometimes I was able to dream big because of your support. Sometimes I realized a totally different perspective from you. Sometimes I admired your work, sometimes I admired your wisdom.
You — of different ages, genders, nationalities, interests, personalities, abilities, experiences, and relationships with me — I love you, love with support, love with care

I first learned how to love myself at the end of this year: listening to inner voice carefully and taking care of how I’m feeling and doing. I was able to stand alone in life with fulfillment (which life had always been alone). And the more I fill myself with love, the more I wanna spread it. I spread it to my family, who have always been my number one supporters throughout my entire existence, and to my good old friends who’ve stayed by my side no matter how I’ve changed. Also good new friends and everyone who has gotten to know me in various ways.
I picked up hobbies recently that actually been interested 10+ years ago: I’ve started playing chess quite consistently again. I’ve also been developing my personal taste again in art, music, philosophy, and literature etc. One of my goal for this year is to solidly develop of self - become true adult haha
During 2024, I traveled to Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Brussels, New York, San Francisco, Greece, and Turkey from quite of a great opportunities. Each of these trips taught me lessons, gave me unforgettable memories and friendships, and helped me grow. I’ll continue to travel in balance. I’ve realized I love traveling to reconnect with friends.
So again, thank you for being part of my journey - maybe it’s a tiny chunk of time that seems like nothing in the macro view — but it’s okay. I enjoyed every single moment with you.
Excited to meeting, interacting, hanging out, getting to know, reconnecting, and building something together with you in 2025. Wish your happiness and all the best luck on this year again.
Happy New Year!
From Me